
Sharing your visions

Do you have an innovative research idea in the field of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency?

In order to participate, please fill in the Letter of Intent (LOI) form on this website, specifying if your project is a CLINICAL project or a BASIC Research one.

Should you have any questions regarding the application process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent

Applicant Information (*)

Letter of Intent (*)

Curriculum Vitae (*) (Allowed Filetypes are Word, PDF or RTF; this file must be smaller than 20 MB)

How did you hear about the ALTA Award? (*)

Text to Identify
Data controller Grifols, S.A.
Purpose To manage and control the participation in the awards you have registered.
Legal basis Consent.
Recipients • Grifols' group companies
• Other third parties
Rights To access, rectify and erase personal data, as well as other rights detailed in the additional information section.
Additional information For additional information on how Grifols processes your personal data, see the privacy note.

(*) Required fields



In case you encounter any problems with the registration website, please do not hesitate to contact us.